Isaac Lera
PyCairo: an alternative for drawing figures
Nov 22, 2020
It was a simple test with circles and hexagons
A Pandas recipe: pivoting a table
Nov 20, 2020
The pivot operation of a dataframe transforms some columns values in columns using other columns as a reference. Sounds crazy, isn’t?
A Matplotlib recipe: break the axes
Nov 19, 2020
In some figures is important to “zoom” or highlight a region. You can reach the effect breaking the axe.
A video from matplotlib figures
Nov 19, 2020
Make videos with matplotlib figures and ffmepg
Service and script monitor tool: Monit
Nov 13, 2020
Monit is a system monitoring and error recovery tool url
Generador de un único PDF con múltiples méritos
Aug 1, 2019
Todos hemos pasado por el molestoso momento de juntar todos nuestros méritos en un único PDF, con índice, paginación, etc. para enviarlo a la ANECA, o cualquier otra agencia que evalúa nuestra vida.