Allocation problem: find the best HW-resource/node to allocate a service
$$ s_i \in Services \\ n_i \in Resources \\ Min. Coste(n_i,s_i) * Allocation(n_i,s_i) $$import pulp
import time
nodes = list("ABC")
services = list("XYZHJ")
cunist = [10,30,5,90,40]
cost = {p:cunist[e] for e,p in enumerate(services)}
{'X': 10, 'Y': 30, 'Z': 5, 'H': 90, 'J': 40}
allocs = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("allocation",[(node, service) for node in nodes for service in services], cat=pulp.LpBinary)
prob = pulp.LpProblem("ilp", pulp.LpMinimize)
#Default contraints: all allocations have a cost
prob += pulp.lpSum(cost[service] * sum(allocs[(node, service)] for node in nodes) for service in services)
for service in services:
print(list(allocs[(node, service)] for node in nodes))
[allocation_('A',_'X'), allocation_('B',_'X'), allocation_('C',_'X')] [allocation_('A',_'Y'), allocation_('B',_'Y'), allocation_('C',_'Y')] [allocation_('A',_'Z'), allocation_('B',_'Z'), allocation_('C',_'Z')] [allocation_('A',_'H'), allocation_('B',_'H'), allocation_('C',_'H')] [allocation_('A',_'J'), allocation_('B',_'J'), allocation_('C',_'J')]
#all products have to be allocated
for service in services:
prob+= pulp.lpSum(allocs[(node, service)] for node in nodes) == 1
for node in nodes:
print(sum(allocs[(node, service)]*cost[service] for service in services))
{'X': 10, 'Y': 30, 'Z': 5, 'H': 90, 'J': 40} 90*allocation_('A',_'H') + 40*allocation_('A',_'J') + 10*allocation_('A',_'X') + 30*allocation_('A',_'Y') + 5*allocation_('A',_'Z') 90*allocation_('B',_'H') + 40*allocation_('B',_'J') + 10*allocation_('B',_'X') + 30*allocation_('B',_'Y') + 5*allocation_('B',_'Z') 90*allocation_('C',_'H') + 40*allocation_('C',_'J') + 10*allocation_('C',_'X') + 30*allocation_('C',_'Y') + 5*allocation_('C',_'Z')
#More constraints
for e,node in enumerate(nodes):
prob += pulp.lpSum(sum(allocs[(node, service)]*cost[service] for service in services)) <= 100.0, "CosteAsumible_%s"%(nodes[e])
ilp: MINIMIZE 90*allocation_('A',_'H') + 40*allocation_('A',_'J') + 10*allocation_('A',_'X') + 30*allocation_('A',_'Y') + 5*allocation_('A',_'Z') + 90*allocation_('B',_'H') + 40*allocation_('B',_'J') + 10*allocation_('B',_'X') + 30*allocation_('B',_'Y') + 5*allocation_('B',_'Z') + 90*allocation_('C',_'H') + 40*allocation_('C',_'J') + 10*allocation_('C',_'X') + 30*allocation_('C',_'Y') + 5*allocation_('C',_'Z') + 0 SUBJECT TO _C1: allocation_('A',_'X') + allocation_('B',_'X') + allocation_('C',_'X') = 1 _C2: allocation_('A',_'Y') + allocation_('B',_'Y') + allocation_('C',_'Y') = 1 _C3: allocation_('A',_'Z') + allocation_('B',_'Z') + allocation_('C',_'Z') = 1 _C4: allocation_('A',_'H') + allocation_('B',_'H') + allocation_('C',_'H') = 1 _C5: allocation_('A',_'J') + allocation_('B',_'J') + allocation_('C',_'J') = 1 CosteAsumible_A: 90 allocation_('A',_'H') + 40 allocation_('A',_'J') + 10 allocation_('A',_'X') + 30 allocation_('A',_'Y') + 5 allocation_('A',_'Z') <= 100 CosteAsumible_B: 90 allocation_('B',_'H') + 40 allocation_('B',_'J') + 10 allocation_('B',_'X') + 30 allocation_('B',_'Y') + 5 allocation_('B',_'Z') <= 100 CosteAsumible_C: 90 allocation_('C',_'H') + 40 allocation_('C',_'J') + 10 allocation_('C',_'X') + 30 allocation_('C',_'Y') + 5 allocation_('C',_'Z') <= 100 VARIABLES 0 <= allocation_('A',_'H') <= 1 Integer 0 <= allocation_('A',_'J') <= 1 Integer 0 <= allocation_('A',_'X') <= 1 Integer 0 <= allocation_('A',_'Y') <= 1 Integer 0 <= allocation_('A',_'Z') <= 1 Integer 0 <= allocation_('B',_'H') <= 1 Integer 0 <= allocation_('B',_'J') <= 1 Integer 0 <= allocation_('B',_'X') <= 1 Integer 0 <= allocation_('B',_'Y') <= 1 Integer 0 <= allocation_('B',_'Z') <= 1 Integer 0 <= allocation_('C',_'H') <= 1 Integer 0 <= allocation_('C',_'J') <= 1 Integer 0 <= allocation_('C',_'X') <= 1 Integer 0 <= allocation_('C',_'Y') <= 1 Integer 0 <= allocation_('C',_'Z') <= 1 Integer
start = time.perf_counter()
total = time.perf_counter() - start
for v in prob.variables():
print(, "=", v.varValue)
{'X': 10, 'Y': 30, 'Z': 5, 'H': 90, 'J': 40} allocation_('A',_'H') = 0.0 allocation_('A',_'J') = 1.0 allocation_('A',_'X') = 1.0 allocation_('A',_'Y') = 1.0 allocation_('A',_'Z') = 1.0 allocation_('B',_'H') = 1.0 allocation_('B',_'J') = 0.0 allocation_('B',_'X') = 0.0 allocation_('B',_'Y') = 0.0 allocation_('B',_'Z') = 0.0 allocation_('C',_'H') = 0.0 allocation_('C',_'J') = 0.0 allocation_('C',_'X') = 0.0 allocation_('C',_'Y') = 0.0 allocation_('C',_'Z') = 0.0
#In the LpVariables the varValue is updated
for node in nodes:
print("Cost in node %s: %f"%(node,sum(allocs[node,service].varValue*cost[service] for service in services)))
Cost in node A: 85.000000 Cost in node B: 90.000000 Cost in node C: 0.000000
Cost and Latency optimization
nodes = list("ABC")
services = list("XYZHJ")
cunist = [10,30,5,90,40]
latencies = [20,10,10]
service_sla = [10,30,15,10,20]
cost = {p:cunist[e] for e,p in enumerate(services)}
service_lat = {p:service_sla[e] for e,p in enumerate(services)}
node_lat = {p:latencies[e] for e,p in enumerate(nodes)}
{'X': 10, 'Y': 30, 'Z': 5, 'H': 90, 'J': 40} {'X': 10, 'Y': 30, 'Z': 15, 'H': 10, 'J': 20} {'A': 20, 'B': 10, 'C': 10}
allocs = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("allocation",[(node, service) for node in nodes for service in services], cat=pulp.LpBinary)
prob = pulp.LpProblem("ilp", pulp.LpMinimize)
#Default contraints: all allocations have a cost
prob += pulp.lpSum(cost[service] * sum(allocs[(node, service)] for node in nodes) for service in services)
#all products have to be allocated
for service in services:
prob+= pulp.lpSum(allocs[(node, service)] for node in nodes) == 1
#More constraints
for e,node in enumerate(nodes):
prob += pulp.lpSum(sum(allocs[(node, service)]*cost[service] for service in services)) <= 100.0, "CosteAsumible_%s"%(nodes[e])
for node in nodes:
for service in services:
prob += pulp.lpSum(allocs[(node, service)]*node_lat[node]) <= service_lat[service], "Constr_Lat_S%s_N%s"%(service,node)
ilp: MINIMIZE 90*allocation_('A',_'H') + 40*allocation_('A',_'J') + 10*allocation_('A',_'X') + 30*allocation_('A',_'Y') + 5*allocation_('A',_'Z') + 90*allocation_('B',_'H') + 40*allocation_('B',_'J') + 10*allocation_('B',_'X') + 30*allocation_('B',_'Y') + 5*allocation_('B',_'Z') + 90*allocation_('C',_'H') + 40*allocation_('C',_'J') + 10*allocation_('C',_'X') + 30*allocation_('C',_'Y') + 5*allocation_('C',_'Z') + 0 SUBJECT TO _C1: allocation_('A',_'X') + allocation_('B',_'X') + allocation_('C',_'X') = 1 _C2: allocation_('A',_'Y') + allocation_('B',_'Y') + allocation_('C',_'Y') = 1 _C3: allocation_('A',_'Z') + allocation_('B',_'Z') + allocation_('C',_'Z') = 1 _C4: allocation_('A',_'H') + allocation_('B',_'H') + allocation_('C',_'H') = 1 _C5: allocation_('A',_'J') + allocation_('B',_'J') + allocation_('C',_'J') = 1 CosteAsumible_A: 90 allocation_('A',_'H') + 40 allocation_('A',_'J') + 10 allocation_('A',_'X') + 30 allocation_('A',_'Y') + 5 allocation_('A',_'Z') <= 100 CosteAsumible_B: 90 allocation_('B',_'H') + 40 allocation_('B',_'J') + 10 allocation_('B',_'X') + 30 allocation_('B',_'Y') + 5 allocation_('B',_'Z') <= 100 CosteAsumible_C: 90 allocation_('C',_'H') + 40 allocation_('C',_'J') + 10 allocation_('C',_'X') + 30 allocation_('C',_'Y') + 5 allocation_('C',_'Z') <= 100 Constr_Lat_SX_NA: 20 allocation_('A',_'X') <= 10 Constr_Lat_SY_NA: 20 allocation_('A',_'Y') <= 30 Constr_Lat_SZ_NA: 20 allocation_('A',_'Z') <= 15 Constr_Lat_SH_NA: 20 allocation_('A',_'H') <= 10 Constr_Lat_SJ_NA: 20 allocation_('A',_'J') <= 20 Constr_Lat_SX_NB: 10 allocation_('B',_'X') <= 10 Constr_Lat_SY_NB: 10 allocation_('B',_'Y') <= 30 Constr_Lat_SZ_NB: 10 allocation_('B',_'Z') <= 15 Constr_Lat_SH_NB: 10 allocation_('B',_'H') <= 10 Constr_Lat_SJ_NB: 10 allocation_('B',_'J') <= 20 Constr_Lat_SX_NC: 10 allocation_('C',_'X') <= 10 Constr_Lat_SY_NC: 10 allocation_('C',_'Y') <= 30 Constr_Lat_SZ_NC: 10 allocation_('C',_'Z') <= 15 Constr_Lat_SH_NC: 10 allocation_('C',_'H') <= 10 Constr_Lat_SJ_NC: 10 allocation_('C',_'J') <= 20 VARIABLES 0 <= allocation_('A',_'H') <= 1 Integer 0 <= allocation_('A',_'J') <= 1 Integer 0 <= allocation_('A',_'X') <= 1 Integer 0 <= allocation_('A',_'Y') <= 1 Integer 0 <= allocation_('A',_'Z') <= 1 Integer 0 <= allocation_('B',_'H') <= 1 Integer 0 <= allocation_('B',_'J') <= 1 Integer 0 <= allocation_('B',_'X') <= 1 Integer 0 <= allocation_('B',_'Y') <= 1 Integer 0 <= allocation_('B',_'Z') <= 1 Integer 0 <= allocation_('C',_'H') <= 1 Integer 0 <= allocation_('C',_'J') <= 1 Integer 0 <= allocation_('C',_'X') <= 1 Integer 0 <= allocation_('C',_'Y') <= 1 Integer 0 <= allocation_('C',_'Z') <= 1 Integer
start = time.perf_counter()
status = prob.solve(pulp.PULP_CBC_CMD(msg=0,timeLimit=10))
total = time.perf_counter() - start
if status == pulp.LpStatusOptimal:
print(total) #seconds
nice 0.017707104000010077
for v in prob.variables():
print(, "=", v.varValue)
{'X': 10, 'Y': 30, 'Z': 5, 'H': 90, 'J': 40} allocation_('A',_'H') = 0.0 allocation_('A',_'J') = 1.0 allocation_('A',_'X') = 0.0 allocation_('A',_'Y') = 1.0 allocation_('A',_'Z') = 0.0 allocation_('B',_'H') = 1.0 allocation_('B',_'J') = 0.0 allocation_('B',_'X') = 0.0 allocation_('B',_'Y') = 0.0 allocation_('B',_'Z') = 1.0 allocation_('C',_'H') = 0.0 allocation_('C',_'J') = 0.0 allocation_('C',_'X') = 1.0 allocation_('C',_'Y') = 0.0 allocation_('C',_'Z') = 0.0
for node in nodes:
print("Cost in node %s: %f"%(node,sum(allocs[node,service].varValue*cost[service] for service in services)))
Cost in node A: 70.000000 Cost in node B: 95.000000 Cost in node C: 10.000000
for service in services:
for node in nodes:
if allocs[node,service].varValue == 1.0:
print("Service %s at node %s :- %i>=%i"
Service X at node C :- 10>=10 Service Y at node A :- 30>=20 Service Z at node B :- 15>=10 Service H at node B :- 10>=10 Service J at node A :- 20>=20
sudo apt-get install python-glpk
sudo apt-get install glpk-utils
%matplotlib inline
import string
import random
import pulp
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
nodes = list(string.ascii_uppercase)
services = list(string.ascii_uppercase)
cost_units_service = [random.randint(5,100) for _ in range(len(services))]
latencies = [random.randint(10,30) for _ in range(len(nodes))]
service_sla = [random.randint(5,30) for _ in range(len(services))]
cost = {p:cost_units_service[e] for e,p in enumerate(services)}
service_lat = {p:service_sla[e] for e,p in enumerate(services)}
node_lat = {p:latencies[e] for e,p in enumerate(nodes)}
def solver_alloc(nodes,services,cost,service_lat,node_lat,timeLimit=10):
allocs = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("allocation",[(node, service) for node in nodes for service in services], cat=pulp.LpBinary)
prob = pulp.LpProblem("ilp", pulp.LpMinimize)
prob += pulp.lpSum(cost[service] * sum(allocs[(node, service)] for node in nodes) for service in services)
#all products have to be allocated
for service in services:
prob+= pulp.lpSum(allocs[(node, service)] for node in nodes) == 1
#More constraints
for e,node in enumerate(nodes):
prob += pulp.lpSum(sum(allocs[(node, service)]*cost[service] for service in services)) <= 100.0, "CosteAsumible_%s"%(nodes[e])
for node in nodes:
for service in services:
prob += pulp.lpSum(allocs[(node, service)]*node_lat[node]) <= service_lat[service], "Constr_Lat_S%s_N%s"%(service,node)
start = time.perf_counter()
status = prob.solve(pulp.PULP_CBC_CMD(msg=0,timeLimit=timeLimit))
return status, time.perf_counter()-start
#scaling, step=10
node_test, time_test = [], []
for n in range(1,50,5):
print("Step: ",n)
nodes = ["N"+w+str(i) for w in list(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(n)]
# services = ["S"+w+str(i) for w in list(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(n)]
# services = ["SA0"]
services = ["S"+w for w in list(string.ascii_uppercase)]
print("total nodes:",len(nodes))
cost_units_service = [random.randint(5,100) for _ in range(len(services))]
latencies = [random.randint(10,30) for _ in range(len(nodes))]
service_sla = [random.randint(5,30) for _ in range(len(services))]
cost = {p:cost_units_service[e] for e,p in enumerate(services)}
service_lat = {p:service_sla[e] for e,p in enumerate(services)}
node_lat = {p:latencies[e] for e,p in enumerate(nodes)}
found, response = solver_alloc(nodes,services,cost,service_lat,node_lat,timeLimit=100)
print(bool(found), response)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes()
ax.plot(node_test, time_test)
%matplotlib inline
import string
import random
import pulp
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
nodes = list(string.ascii_uppercase)
services = list(string.ascii_uppercase)
cost_units_service = [random.randint(5,100) for _ in range(len(services))]
latencies = [random.randint(10,30) for _ in range(len(nodes))]
service_sla = [random.randint(5,30) for _ in range(len(services))]
cost = {p:cost_units_service[e] for e,p in enumerate(services)}
service_lat = {p:service_sla[e] for e,p in enumerate(services)}
node_lat = {p:latencies[e] for e,p in enumerate(nodes)}
def solver_alloc(nodes,services,cost,service_lat,node_lat,timeLimit=10):
allocs = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("allocation",[(node, service) for node in nodes for service in services], cat=pulp.LpBinary)
prob = pulp.LpProblem("ilp", pulp.LpMinimize)
prob += pulp.lpSum(cost[service] * sum(allocs[(node, service)] for node in nodes) for service in services)
#all products have to be allocated
for service in services:
prob+= pulp.lpSum(allocs[(node, service)] for node in nodes) == 1
#More constraints
for e,node in enumerate(nodes):
prob += pulp.lpSum(sum(allocs[(node, service)]*cost[service] for service in services)) <= 100.0, "CosteAsumible_%s"%(nodes[e])
for node in nodes:
for service in services:
prob += pulp.lpSum(allocs[(node, service)]*node_lat[node]) <= service_lat[service], "Constr_Lat_S%s_N%s"%(service,node)
start = time.perf_counter()
status = prob.solve(pulp.PULP_CBC_CMD(msg=0,timeLimit=timeLimit))
return status, time.perf_counter()-start
(-1, 0.03782144199999493)
#scaling, step=10
node_test, time_test = [], []
for n in range(1,50,5):
print("Step: ",n)
nodes = ["N"+w+str(i) for w in list(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(n)]
# services = ["S"+w+str(i) for w in list(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(n)]
# services = ["SA0"]
services = ["S"+w for w in list(string.ascii_uppercase)]
print("total nodes:",len(nodes))
cost_units_service = [random.randint(5,100) for _ in range(len(services))]
latencies = [random.randint(10,30) for _ in range(len(nodes))]
service_sla = [random.randint(5,30) for _ in range(len(services))]
cost = {p:cost_units_service[e] for e,p in enumerate(services)}
service_lat = {p:service_sla[e] for e,p in enumerate(services)}
node_lat = {p:latencies[e] for e,p in enumerate(nodes)}
found, response = solver_alloc(nodes,services,cost,service_lat,node_lat,timeLimit=100)
print(bool(found), response)
Step: 1 total nodes: 26 True 0.03500134399973831 Step: 6 total nodes: 156 True 0.23172726700022395 Step: 11 total nodes: 286 True 0.34116768600006253 Step: 16 total nodes: 416 True 0.517777622000267 Step: 21 total nodes: 546 True 1.1037343630000578 Step: 26 total nodes: 676 True 1.3212750520001464 Step: 31 total nodes: 806 True 1.8405263620002188 Step: 36 total nodes: 936 True 1.2379455400000552 Step: 41 total nodes: 1066 True 3.4067374080000263 Step: 46 total nodes: 1196 True 3.588439693000055
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes()
ax.plot(node_test, time_test)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x111942b20>]